News - 2019 General Election
Data Release: Wave 1 to 20, British Election Study Internet Panel, 2014-2023...
The British Election Study is pleased to announce the release of the secure access version of waves 1 to 20 of our Internet Panel survey. It constitutes all 20 of our current panel waves, plus secure variables that measure each respondent’s Middle Super-Output Area (MSOA)…
Weighting the BES Post-Election Random Probability Survey
The 2019 BES Post-Election Random Probability Survey uses gold-standard random probability methods. Still, it is important to ensure that it is representative of the target population. In this case, we take as our target all adults aged 18 or over who live in Great Britain…
The BES Post-Election Random Probability Survey V.1.0.0: Release note
This note accompanies the release of the 2019 BES Post-Election Random Probability Survey (version 1.0.0). Dataset and documentation The dataset and additional documentation are available to download here. Citation Fieldhouse, E., J. Green., G. Evans., J. Mellon, C. Prosser, R. de Geus, and J. Bailey…

Age and voting behaviour at the 2019 General Election
Recent British elections have seen much discussion about the relationship between age and voting behaviour. British politics seems increasingly polarised along age lines, with younger voters being more likely to support the Labour party and older voters more likely to support the Conservatives. This pattern…

Volatility, realignment and electoral shocks: Brexit and the UK General Election of...
The 2019 UK General Election held on 12th December has been described as a Brexit Election. Boris Johnson called the election with a pledge to “get Brexit done” only months after being elected Conservative leader on the platform of promising to leave the EU on…

Should Labour have united to remain?
Tactical decision making was widely discussed in the 2019 election campaign. The issue of Brexit was very important to voters, but multiple parties claimed to best represent either side of the division. Before and after the election, many on the Remain side argued that the…

The Re-shaping Of Class Voting By Geoffrey Evans and Jonathan Mellon
Geoffrey Evans and Jonathan Mellon Class has been front and centre in the 2019 general election. Not as in the 1960s when, as Peter Pulzer asserted, it was ‘the basis of British party politics; all else is embellishment and detail’, but for the very different…

British Election Study 2019 Data Release – Internet Panel, Results File, and...
The British Election Study is pleased to announce the first release of BES 2019 election data. This major release of new data consists of three new waves of our internet panel, an updated results and contextual data file, and data from an expert survey of…

Boris v. Nigel: The Battle for Brexit Party Voters (by Geoffrey Evans,...
Boris Johnson has staked his hopes on winning over Brexit Party voters to the Conservatives. As Nigel Farage looks set to challenge Boris Johnson’s commitments on Brexit, much depends on who can best persuade these voters in the coming weeks: Johnson or Farage. The Brexit…