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Left-right value: Government should redistribute incomes vs Age group

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This chart includes estimates for one or more groups that are too small to be statistically reliable, interpret with caution.

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  • 'Under 18'

Source: British Election Study, Daily rolling election campaign data 2015 (N=30,663)

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Age group
  Under 18 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56-65 66+ Total
Left-right value: Government should redistribute incomes Waves 7-9 N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N %
Strongly disagree 31 10.6 334 8.0 322 6.1 226 4.8 278 5.2 282 4.4 210 4.6 1,683 5.5
Disagree 50 17.0 675 16.1 905 17.2 744 16.0 816 15.4 1,028 16.1 872 19.2 5,089 16.6
Neither agree nor disagree 61 20.7 741 17.7 1,226 23.3 1,126 24.2 1,252 23.6 1,510 23.6 1,166 25.7 7,082 23.1
Agree 83 28.3 1,270 30.3 1,657 31.4 1,466 31.5 1,582 29.8 2,005 31.3 1,336 29.4 9,399 30.7
Strongly agree 48 16.3 707 16.9 829 15.7 872 18.7 1,221 23.0 1,397 21.8 823 18.1 5,897 19.2
Don't know 21 7.0 460 11.0 336 6.4 226 4.8 164 3.1 176 2.8 131 2.9 1,513 4.9
Total 294 100 4,187 100 5,274 100 4,660 100 5,312 100 6,399 100 4,537 100 30,663 100