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Do you expect to be able to purchase a home in the next 5 to 10 years? vs General election vote intention (recalled vote in post-election waves)

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Filter chart by General election vote intention (recalled vote in post-election waves)
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This chart includes estimates for one or more groups that are too small to be statistically reliable, interpret with caution.

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  • 'Green Party', 'Other'

Source: British Election Study, 2018 (N=8,030)

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General election vote intention (recalled vote in post-election waves)
  I would/did not vote Conservative Labour Liberal Democrat United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) Green Party Other Don't know Total
Do you expect to be able to purchase a home in the next 5 to 10 years? N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N %
I do not want to purchase a home 217 24.3 365 23.7 420 14.2 63 14.3 79 25.0 29 11.0 13 16.9 240 15.6 1,426 17.8
No, I will not be able to purchase a home 451 50.5 683 44.3 1,517 51.3 204 46.4 156 49.7 129 48.9 42 54.9 731 47.4 3,914 48.7
Yes, I will be able to buy with a mortgage 93 10.4 272 17.6 598 20.2 129 29.4 43 13.7 54 20.3 5 6.2 232 15.0 1,425 17.7
Yes, I will be able to buy a home outright 18 2.0 53 3.5 42 1.4 7 1.5 10 3.2 9 3.5 11 13.8 46 3.0 196 2.4
Other 2 0.2 17 1.1 26 0.9 1 0.3 6 1.8 7 2.5 0 0.3 25 1.6 83 1.0
Don't know / Prefer not to say 113 12.6 150 9.7 354 12.0 36 8.1 21 6.6 37 13.9 6 7.9 270 17.5 986 12.3
Total 894 100 1,540 100 2,956 100 440 100 313 100 265 100 77 100 1,545 100 8,030 100