News - EU Referendum
Announcing the BESt article award winners
The British Election Study are delighted to announce that A tale of two peoples: motivated reasoning in the aftermath of the Brexit Vote by Miriam Sorace and Sara Hobolt (published in Political Science Research & Methods) is the winner of the inaugural British Election Study…

“Electoral Shocks” Now Free to Download
‘Electoral Shocks: The Volatile Voter in a Turbulent World‘ is now available free of charge to everyone under an Open Access agreement with Oxford University Press, funded by the University of Manchester. You can download the full text as a PDF here. We hope this…

Electoral Shocks: The Volatile Voter in a Turbulent World
‘Electoral Shocks: The Volatile Voter in a Turbulent World‘ by the British Election Study team is published today by Oxford University Press The book offers a novel perspective on British elections, focusing on the role of electoral shocks in the context of increasing electoral volatility….
Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Is any Brexit Deal Possible...
The current withdrawal agreement agreed by Theresa May – the deal that is currently the only one on offer from the EU – is very unpopular. Unsurprisingly, only 5% of Remainers consider it to be a good or very good deal (in newly released BES…

Swings and roundabouts: the potential electoral consequences of Labour’s position on Europe.
In light of previous BES research which demonstrated how Labour relied on the Remain vote at the 2017 general election, it is not surprising that many regarded Labour’s rethinking on transitional arrangements for leaving the EU as electorally opportunistic. But how much difference might we…

A tale of two referendums – the 2017 election in Scotland
By Chris Prosser & Ed Fieldhouse Only two years after the astonishing rise of the Scottish National Party at the 2015 election, the SNP juggernaut seemed to come to a crashing halt. Although the SNP remained the largest party in Scotland at the 2017 election,…

Has Brexit Broken British Voting?
By Jon Mellon and Chris Prosser Since the 2016 EU referendum, there has been much discussion of whether the UK party system is set to realign around the issue of the EU, just as the Scottish party system has around the issue of independence. The…

Is the country coming together after the Brexit Referendum?
By Cees van der Eijk (University of Nottingham) and Jonathan Rose (De Montfort University, Leicester) The necessity of the country coming together after the Brexit referendum has been expressed repeatedly, including by the Prime Minister. For a democratic society to function it is necessary that the…

BES Wave 10 Internet Panel Data Released
The British Election Study is pleased to announce the release of the wave 10 of our Internet Panel survey. Wave 10 was conducted in November and December 2016. The combined wave 1-10 internet panel data can be downloaded here and the wave 10 only data…

Brexit Britain: British Election Study Insights from the post-EU Referendum wave of...
We are pleased to release new British Election Study insights into the Brexit vote. In this blog we explore some of the deeper features of a nation divided by support for Leave or Remain. These divisions help us to understand the routes to Brexit and…